Full & Fabulous

A few posts ago, I talked about creating a 100% Yes list and an Absolute No list.  I’ve decided to add the word “busy” (in reference to describing my life) to my Absolute No list.  I will not be using that word to describe my life any longer.

In today’s society, some people almost wear the title “busy” like a badge of honor~although in most cases, I don’t believe it probaably makes them feel good.  For me, it has mostly negative connotations~when I say I’m busy, it usually means I have so much going on, I am most likely feeling a bit overwhelmed and spread thin. This word and the thoughts associated with it, zaps my energy completely.

So, although I am starting a new school year with a brand new class of 600 sophomore students (300 of which are on my case-load), teaching yoga classes, holding yoga playshops, and instructing a graduate class at a local college, I will only be referring to my life this year as Full & Fabulous (and sparkling, of course).  This is the truth, and it fills me up when I say or think about it.

Little shifts in thought and speech can make such a big impact.  Any words or thoughts need to be added to your Absolute No list?

Feeling a little busy?  Embrace your Full & Fabulous life~and make sure to create the time for some extreme Self-Care!

Breathe Deeply & Shine Brightly,

Leslie ~Sparkling Yogini

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2 Responses to Full & Fabulous

  1. Hi Leslie,
    I so want to use this phrase! I don’t like using the word “busy” either to describe my life. I’ve been creating more abundance in my life these days and it feels great! Great post!


    • Hi, Liz. Feel free to use this phrase as much as you’d like! It definitely puts more positive energy out there than the word busy! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comment! Keep on shinin’ on, Leslie

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